My Journey As An Independent Kolkata Escorts Is A Roller Coaster Story

My Journey As An Independent Kolkata Escorts Is A Roller Coaster Story

Journey as an Independent Kolkata Escorts is a roller coaster story of up downs with my inner self being the only console for my success in my endeavor as a slut in this world
The advent of events in my life had led myself to adjudge in bartering lust to move forward in my life rather than to dispute virtuous living I preferred to violate the celibate and chaste living.Law of the jungle applied in my life with a fitness to survive in a world where caring and true love ceased to exist as i armored myself with bravery and courage to take men one by one as they come lecherously to lust on me.

Even as men pounded on me in dozens falling down was not me as i was a collector in this game with the winning edge being myself in the long run as I had taken myself to be a seller of lust and love.Being a women to be trespassed by man is quite a pain in this journey of being a female Escorts In Bangalore as we women were born to be virtuous and being a rebellion in the tribe of women is a feeling of being alien.I had been brought up in a nice family with strong values of living a virtuous life in chastity had never thought in my worst of my dreams of living a life of a hustler as when the dawn doomed on me to pursue the life of bartering love and lust i had no options rather than to pick it and move forward with my life.



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